Monday, March 2, 2009

Red light/Green light

Red Light-Green Light

The writings required on Chapter readings and multiple respondings to peers can be overwhelming at times, but I learn from the process and the postings (feedback/comments).

I appreciate the time in class to complete assignments. Otherwise, it would almost be impossible for me because I don't have internet at home. So, THANKS!

Smart vs. Prom

I have had little interaction with both, and I see the benefits of both. Personally, I think I would like the Promethium because when we had a lady come show it to use in Dr. Fox's class, it seemed like it offered more options. We also had to do an "unneccessary" online training before the speaker came, but I couldn't tell you how to do one thing on there. I'm a hands-on learner and have to do it before I totally understand. But then again, I don't know much about the SmartBoard besides the elmo.