Monday, April 27, 2009


My movie maker piece is suppose to portray the wonderful country life that I enjoy so much. I believe so many times people get caught up in the convenience of "the city life" that they forget about the serenity of the country side, God's Country as we call it. I wouldn't trade it for a million bucks, and that may make me a simple country girl but so be it. I hope everyone enjoyed my own version of "My Green Acres."

Ashley Douglas and I worked together but posted seperately. We didn't want to jepordize the quality of our project by combining two completely opposite pieces.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009



First of all, new media already has a place in the classroom, the art classroom. I’m not saying that English teachers can’t incorporate some forms of new media texts, but let’s face it; teachers have an abundance of grammar rules which can’t be taught through visual imaging. They also have an obligation to teach composition, and unfortunately, the proper structure of composition papers can’t be taught by interpreting a picture. However, every teacher knows that visual representation enhances meaning, and a good teacher uses the perfect combination of text and visuals whenever possible to increase effectiveness. We’ve all heard that a picture speaks a thousand words. For example, teachers have used story books for years to enhance students’ comprehension of stories. This is not a new discovery!

“Finally, I would suggest, many English composition teachers have downplayed the importance of visual literacy and texts that depend primarily on visual elements because they confront us with the prospect of updating our literacies at the expense of considerable work, precious time, and a certain amount of status.” I find this quote incorrect and controversial. I can’t speak for all teachers, but as I mentioned before art composition or interpretation belongs in art class especially when being taught as a new concept. English teachers can integrate art in their lessons when it will enhance students’ learning.

As far as the computer side of things, I would have to say that one of the most important things for students to learn is the basics. Students can use this type of information whether they go to college or not. It has been my experience that colleges drill or shove required but useless computers courses down our throats. I have to say the most beneficial computer course I took was Intro to Computers at JCJC which guess what, taught me the basics. And the basics after all are what most people use on a daily basis. I believe students should have the option to take any multimedia literacy class as an elective whether it is in high school or college but should not be forced to take such classes that are not of interest or that doesn’t pertain the their degree.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Which come first, the chicken or the egg?

In this case, the chicken is “writing to learn” and the egg is “learning to write.”
Of course, learning to write should come before writing to learn. I believe a good foundation in knowing how to write should be attended to before moving the student on to writing to learn. Can you imagine someone asking you to do something you have no concept of and how overwhelming that feeling would be? Personally, I would feel like there was no hope, and no possible way I could do anything. Ultimately, I wouldn’t even try if I knew I would be defeated in the end. I believe that’s exactly how my students would feel if I asked them to write a research paper before I have taught them how to write.

However, once knowledge and understanding of writing is achieved, writing to learn is the next step and is a great teaching/learning tool for both teachers and students. In most cases, students are allowed to choose topics of interest for research papers which in return motivates them to learn all they can about that topic, and it allows the teacher to check the development of their writing skills. However, the flexibility of topic shouldn’t be restricted to research papers but could be implemented in any writing scenario.

As far as using digital technology to make writing more appealing, I believe a balance of handwritten material and digital material is needed. For example, I can remember using a calculator in math or science but not very often. Now days, it seems like that is all the students use, and working problems out by hand is a thing of the past. Don’t get me wrong, I think calculators are great tools that make things easier and faster, but I believe we shouldn’t rely totally on technology. When you have to work out math problems by hand, a great deal of thinking is required. When you use a calculator, more knowledge of knowing how to use a calculator is implemented and less on how the problem is solved. Another problem I have with relying totally on technology is that technology fails. What happens when technology fails, and no knowledge of how to complete a task independently is established? Exactly, nothing! It would be so sad to be completely helpless especially when we so desperately want our students to think critically and independently.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Red light/Green light

Red Light-Green Light

The writings required on Chapter readings and multiple respondings to peers can be overwhelming at times, but I learn from the process and the postings (feedback/comments).

I appreciate the time in class to complete assignments. Otherwise, it would almost be impossible for me because I don't have internet at home. So, THANKS!

Smart vs. Prom

I have had little interaction with both, and I see the benefits of both. Personally, I think I would like the Promethium because when we had a lady come show it to use in Dr. Fox's class, it seemed like it offered more options. We also had to do an "unneccessary" online training before the speaker came, but I couldn't tell you how to do one thing on there. I'm a hands-on learner and have to do it before I totally understand. But then again, I don't know much about the SmartBoard besides the elmo.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Ch. 7 Blog

“Motivation and Teacher Expectations. Teachers sometimes unintentionally worsen feelings of failure, disaffection, and not wanting to try anymore (p. 194).”

When I read the statement above, I thought of what we learned in Dr. Fox’s class about unintentional harmful praise. For example, if a teacher overly praises a student for doing exceptionally well on a test or any given assignment, how will the teacher compensate for praise when the student doesn’t do so well on the next test/assignment. I’m sure this type of situation happens all of the time because the teacher is so excited for the improvement in the student especially if he/she usually struggles, but will the absence or lack of praise of following tests/assignments cause the student to become less motivated or completely unmotivated all together. Fortunately, the solution is easy, we as teachers must find the perfect balance. Unfortunately, finding the perfect balance can be difficult.

However, our ability as teachers to motivate our students is extremely important to their educational success. We all know that motivation is a key element in engaging students and can be done so by activating prior knowledge and schema to teach a new concept. We also know that as teachers we are not to assume anything about any student. We should not assume that students already know/understand any given concept, and we should not assume any reasons why students seem motivated or unmotivated because we never know what our students come to us with ranging from home life to school life. Our job should be to motivate, inspire, and educate all students equally.